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Disassembly / Reassembly Guide for 1911 Series Pistols
Disassembly / Reassembly Guide for 1911 Series Pistols

Disassembly / Reassembly Guide for 1911 Series Pistols

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Price: $7.50
Learn how to disassemble & reassemble your favorite or new firearm. Easy Instructions and lots of pictures.
Part Number: GG1911 DR
• The only current printed manual that includes information on ALL models.
• Easy to use -- Comb binding lies open and flat on your work surface. 
• 16 pages & 20 + high-resolution grayscale images.
• Cardstock cover. Bright white paper.
Excerpt from this Guide:
Brief History of the 1911 Series Pistol.
“For nearly a century the Colt Goverment Model 1911 has been without challenge, the most recognized, most imitated, most influential and the most used semi-auto handgun in the world.” Guns & Ammo Magazine - 2006
1911 John Moses Browning’s original .45 Colt Auto Cartridge and 1911 Pistol was adopted as the standard U.S. service pistol and remained in faithful service for nearly 75 years. 
1923 Modifications were made to include a narrower trigger, wider and longer grip safety spur, and an arched mainspring housing. Adopted as the U.S. Model 1911-A1 in 1924.
1932 National Match Version with adjustable rear sights.
1935 National Match Version in .38 Super caliber.
1957 Gold Cup National Match with improved trigger assembly.
1970 Series 70. Introduction of the collet-type barrel bushing.
1981 Series 80. Introduction of the firing-pin-block safety.
1985 Colt’s introduction of stainless steel models.
2006 + Most all major pistol manfacturers produce a 1911 clone.

Gun Guides are the number one publisher of firearm disassembly and reassembly Guides.

  • High-resolution images and illustrations are razor sharp. You can clearly see the component parts and their proper orientation.
  • Gun-Guides® are printed on bright white paper and comb bound which lies flat on your work surface.
  • Disassembly and reassembly verbiage is clear and concise to ensure that the take-down and reassembly goes smoothly. We also include several tips and tricks not found in other "take down" or the owner's manuals.
  • Gun-Guides® have a brief history and a gallery of popular accessories available for each firearm.
  • Made In The USA

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