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Survive Outdoors Longer Emergency Shelter Kit
Survive Outdoors Longer Emergency Shelter Kit

Survive Outdoors Longer Emergency Shelter Kit

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Price: $24.00
Survive Outdoors Longer Emergency Shelter Kit
Part Number: 140-1757
Always be prepared to survive an unexpected night out, whether in a drenching rain or snowstorm, with this ultra-light emergency shelter kit you will always be able to stay dry and warm in almost any weather.

Heavy Duty Heat Reflective Blanket

96" x 60", this blanket is 2.5 times thicker than our Survival Blanket

Reflect Heat

Reflects 90% of your body heat back to you to keep you warm.

Ultra C Stakes

Lightweight anodized aluminum stakes are just what you need to keep the shelter staked down.

Group Size: 1 Person

Trip Duration: Multiple Days

Item #: 0140-1757

Hiking / Backpacking
Alpine / Rock Climbing
Mountain / Road Biking
Urban / Family / Camping
Expeditions / Adventure Travel
Emergency Prep

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