Posted by Bear Quills on 10/1/2019 to
Product Spotlight
The sun sets in 30 minutes …. My sweat soaked body shivers, the temperature quickly plummeting … I don’t know where I am … I’m lost. Did I pack what I need?
This is a situation no one in their right mind would ever want to end up in. Regardless of the nature of your excursion, whether it be a backpacking trip, a day of hunting, an ATV run, or just a simple stroll in the woods, it is always a possibility that you will get lost, injured, or attacked by an animal, among other things. These situations, while preventable, can still happen to the most careful of hikers. So, if you can’t guarantee that you won’t get lost, what can you know for sure? The one thing you can be sure of is that, with the right skills and tools, you can survive. Just having an emergency blanket can mean the difference between freezing to death and surviving. That’s why having the proper survival gear is essential to have in your backpack at all times. With a minimal amount of weight added, there’s not a single reason why you shouldn’t invest in some of the most helpful equipment in the market.
The SOL (Survive Outdoors Longer) Emergency Blanket is one of many things that can save your life. With fibers that resist noise and tearing, and 90% body heat reflection, it’s one of the most important things you can have. With the highest form of quality and only a price of $5.00, it outcompetes any other brand of survival blanket, as their prices range from anywhere between $6.00 and $20.00 a piece. #140-1222 Click Here To View.
Another SOL product, the Origin Survival kit, is a work of wonder. Packed into a waterproof case that can fit into your palm, it provides all of the essentials that you will need to greatly increase your odds of surviving. Within this practically unbreakable case is a number of items necessary to your survival, some of which are: Braided nylon cord tested to withstand 150lb, an emergency sewing and fishing kit, a signal mirror worked into the lid, along with an aiming aid, a liquid damped compass, and a folding lock-blade knife. With a cheap cost of $32.00, it outpaces other brands in both compactability and price. #0140-0828 Click Here To View.
Getting lost is something that no one wants to chance or experience. Most everyone takes this as an incentive to always make sure that they are on the trail, that they’re aware of where they are. While taking these precautions can help, it’s always a possibility that you will end up off the grid with no idea of how to return to civilization. Coming into hunting season there is a greater chance of getting lost as you will be going in and out in the dark or tracking game into an unfamiliar area. So make sure that you prepare for the inevitable. Something as simple as a survival blanket can save you from freezing, while a survival kit can help searchers locate and rescue you. With some of the cheapest prices on the market, it’s practically a steal, with all the ingenuity and thought put into each and every product. So, what’s not to lose?